
Welcome to ThinkLore!

ThinkLore was created to spark curiosity, inspire fresh perspectives, and help you rediscover the joy of reading. Our platform is all about encouraging you to think deeper, rationally question the things happening around you, and help you develop your own views.

The internet is indeed a vast sea of information, where you may find yourself sailing aimlessly for minutes and even hours to find the perfect content. ThinkLore is your perfect companion for these moments. That’s where the Food for Thought Genre comes in, designed to give you topics that make you pause, reflect, and see things more clearly. This helps set the wheels in your brain whirring and ignites your imagination.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." - Albert Einstein

In addition to many other hand-picked genres, to have more control over what you read, you can even use the Custom Genre feature once you have narrowed down on the topic you want to explore further.(Note: This feature is for users aged 12 years or above only)

By combining ‘Think’ symbolising curiosity and intellectual exploration, with ‘Lore’, representing rich knowledge and storytelling and the wisdom passed through the generations, Think Lore conveys our mission to inspire meaningful learning and our commitment to providing users with engaging content that encourages both critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the world around them, making learning an exciting and personalised journey.

Our platform is not a replacement for books in any way. Rather, we hope your experience here leads you to even more reading - be it books, articles, or frankly anything that floats your boat. We also hope that what you read inspires you to write stories, articles, scripts or anything else that interests you.

So, let’s dive in, read and above all, think. "I think, therefore I am." - René Descartes